Artist statement:
JB Carrera’s introspective work is connecting complex harmony of colors, syncopated rhythms of line and texture with a strong emphasis on intuitive improvization. Inspired by her travels and growing up in Kansas City, a city rich in multicultural heritage, vibrant art scene, and Jazz & Blues music, which is instantaneously expressed through her mark making. Her subjects vary between spiritual and/or current social observations.

Art is my life therapy.
I document the beauty and weirdness I find throughout my life. A Sunrise, a mood, an interesting pattern on the concrete, irritating internet memes, and other small moments that could be amusing. Much of my work reflects my journey, emotions etched on the canvas. I try to live by my life’s motto: Make your life a work of Art.
As a traveller, I collect inspiration from adventures and add it to my work - Lines, Textures, shadows, and of course, color. Some paintings are simple, some are hectic and energetic. Others tell stories, with symbolism and/or sarcasm, some are discovery and experiments. Connection with color is deep in my heart. I'm in love with progress through process.
I graduated from the Kansas City Art Institute (BFA - Design) in 2000, and worked in the Graphics/Production field for years. In 2017, I picked up a brush again and started painting. I try not to take things too seriously, as we all have learned in the last years - life's too short.
 I have participated in local art shows for the last few years, and hope to show more work in the future. 
Since 2009, I currently live and work in Switzerland with 2 K-Pop teens and a running guru.

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